Gravel Size Chart and Different Types Explained with Pictures
Oct 13, 2022 · 4. Fine Gravel . This is gravel with a very small diameter. It’s often used to stabilize the spaces between huge stones and road bases. Pro tip: A common fine gravel type for French drains is “drainage gravel” or “drain rock.” The recommended size for drainage gravel in a French drain system is usually between 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch ...
Can kuhli loaches be happy on gravel? | Freshwater Substrates
Sep 18, 2020 · I've kept them on fine gravel before without any noticeable ill-effects. It's pretty difficult to measure the happiness of a fish though! They would enjoy your leaf litter. I now have a sand substrate. They don't actually tunnel into it but they do sift over it similar to Corys.
Corydoras On Gravel? | Freshwater Substrates - Gravel, Sand Forum
Jul 8, 2017 · Gravel is a very broad term. Gravel sizes vary for place to place. I would not keep corydoras on anything but fine sand they can sift trough personally. I keep Corydoras pygmaeus in very small gravel and to be quite honest it has been itching me quite a lot to see they have a hard time sifting trough the substrate.
Does Fine Gravel Still Exist? | Aquarium Aquascaping Forum
Jul 19, 2019 · I'm trying to find fine (or smallish) black gravel. All I find is labeled "gravel" or "sand" with no variation. Is there any manufacturer that makes fine gravel? (or at least small sized grains)? Ive ordered 3 brands... TopFin* has a some fine some huge gravel, but the average size of …
Are Corys ok with gravel/pebbles? | Corydoras Forum
May 28, 2020 · To give an example, my Cories are on a fine gravel. (Though I am switching to sand, partially for them and partially because I hate how the gravel looks.) The young ones especially have extremely long barbels. This is just my tank so it's far from conclusive evidence, but it does show that gravel isn't always harmful.
Dwarf Puffers - Fine Gravel instead of Sand? | Puffers Forum
Jun 25, 2010 · Gravel is fine for DPs. How many do you plan on having in the 5 gallon? I wouldn't suggest more than 1. A LOT more cleaning is required (I had 2 in a 5 gallon once). Tip on feeding: I feed mine in those little worm cones that hang from the surface and it works for keeping the tank much cleaner. These little fish are so interesting. One of my ...
Dwarf hair grass in gravel (3mill) | Aquarium Plants Forum
Apr 20, 2016 · I saw a similar thread about this but they had 40% fluorite, whereas I have 100% 3 mill gravel. is 3 mill too big? and would mixing the gravel with some kind of dirt help? My tank is a low tech 2ft tank with medium lighting, although most of …
How to clean very fine gravel/ coarse sand?
Mar 30, 2022 · How do I clean coarse sand with a gravel vaccuum. in my 20 gallon high tank there is a very fine gravel/coarse sand. the fish waste and excess food go through the course sand and when i try to vaccuum it up the sand goes through the siphon. should i siphon by sticking the gravel vac in the gravel and pinch the siphon, unpinch the siphon and ...
Fine gravel and goldfish | Freshwater Substrates - Gravel, Sand …
Jan 28, 2020 · Fine gravel and goldfish. Grace4514 Active Member. Member. Messages 350. Jan 28, 2020 #1 I had small ...
Sand or fine gravel | Freshwater Substrates - Gravel, Sand Forum
May 15, 2011 · Hey all, Several questions I am looking to change my substrates as the first part of a summer project on my tank. I currently have large black gravel, but its been a pain to clean b/c so much junk gets down under it. I am looking at switching to a fine crushed gravel or sand. I …