Il concetto originale che ha lanciato la Ohm era un progetto Lincoln Walsh per un diffusore mono-altoparlante, largabanda, omnidirezionale. L'obiettivo era abbastanza semplice: creare un'esperienza ...
When I visited Blumenhofer Factory in January, I liked their small Fun 13 very much. So Andrea Vitali and I agreed to have them reviewed. The Fun 13 has a high but small and slim cabinet, with its ...
A vintage idler drive Lenco in good condition, cleaned and adjusted, with no modifications other than to the tonearm, sounds better than any new $1000 turntable on the market. Put on a used RB300 ...
£500 extra buys the £2799 Thorens TD1601 over the £2299 TD1600. This £500 buys an optical sensor arm lift. "£500 for an end of side arm lift?" Demand Plebs, stage left, "Surely that's a lot of dosh to ...
In recent years we have seen the rise in interest in vinyl replay, records as we used to call them, and they are even available in some of the larger UK supermarkets, amazing. Thanks to Analogy ...
Much has been written about ridding LP's of static. There are devices available to zap your LP's as well as plenty of Anti-Static sprays and all of these cost money that you could spend on something ...
To quote the doyen of Science Fiction, Robert Heinlein, «TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!». As with most things, size matters (not amplifier power!) and my feeling is that a ...
Tisbury Audio si definisce “una piccola azienda piena di entusiasmo situata a Londra, Inghilterra”. E questo sembra dire quasi tutto. La loro offerta consiste in una piccola gamma di prodotti audio ...
Systems and Magic have just launched a new version of their mains conditioning products. The original conditioners were reviewed on TNT Audio in 2008. Kindly, the manufacturer provided examples of ...
Some time ago a friend brought a pair of speakers for repair to me. They are old two way speakers from Epicure, US made. The surround of the woofers had rotten away, but my friend insisted on having ...
For a number of years, I have been an admirer of the H J Leak valve amplifiers made in the 1950s and 60s. The Stereo 20 has a very active following and uses the sweet EL84 valve in class A, push pull.
NET Audio is a company devoted to the fight for a good digital sound and against jitter. The products are essentially high quality clocks and other devices for tweaking CD players. David Pritchard, ...