The bull elk is calming grazing ... The comments on the video were anything but friendly towards the Yellowstone tourist. One user commented, "More for the arrest and banned for life list." ...
Despite having the right equipment to take photos from afar, some visitors decided to approach a bull elk at Yellowstone National Park anyway – with predictable results. A video of the incident ...
The side of a harvested bull elk and its prized antlers are transported the old-fashioned way—by mule. More than 72,000 hunters came to the lands around Yellowstone and Grand Teton in 2014 ...
The side of a harvested bull elk and its prized antlers are transported the old-fashioned way—by mule. More than 72,000 hunters came to the lands around Yellowstone and Grand Teton in 2014 ...
This is the second time this year a visitor at the Yellowstone National Park has been ... was walking with his family on a boardwalk when a bull bison charged the group, according to a news ...