It was you who made living all worthwhile, oh lovin’ you, it’s the best,” an English inscription on the tomb reads.
Headstone erected one month after funeral above shared casket recalls Shiri as 'funny and sensitive,' Ariel as 'a child of ...
The resting place of renowned Cuban singer Paulito FG (Pablo Alfonso Fernández Gallo), who passed away on March 1st, has ...
A recent archaeological study in Jerusalem has shed light on the presence of an Armenian monastic community in the Holy City ...
A family have been left heartbroken after their nan’s gravestone was stolen for the second time in five months. Cherie Pontin ...
Archaeologists have uncovered rare Armenian inscriptions in Jerusalem, offering insight into early Christian life.
Recent excavations in Jerusalem’s Musrara neighborhood revealed four Armenian inscriptions dating from the sixth to seventh ...
When our people are defaced and defiled, we shine through as a holy and spiritual nation – a people who stand by each other ...
BIRKBY is a tranquil corner of countryside lost in the lanes between Northallerton and Darlington. Even when a mainline train clatters ...