In Albert Camus’ novel, The Plague, set in the French Algerian town of Oran, rats one day begin showing up dead on residents’ ...
He is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and served as President of the American Association of University Professors from 2006 to 2012. His ...
The truth is that however I choose to express myself will not live up to the weight of these facts: Vincent died, and then ...
If Metamorphosis left you fascinated by existential dilemmas and surreal narratives, these books will further immerse you in ...
Discover 10 Nobel Prize-winning books that belong on your shelf. These masterpieces offer powerful storytelling, deep themes, ...
Reading the works of Plath, Camus and Woolf would provide a raw insight on the philosophical fronts of life. Their work has ...
None of which made it a less effective cudgel. Risen likens the dormant durability of such national hysteria to the illness described by Albert Camus in his 1947 novel “The Plague.” Camus wrote that ...
These are tough times. But they’re not the first and the past, as always, can be instructive. Recently, I picked up Albert Camus’ 1948 classic “The Plague” and I’m very happy I did. I hadn’t read it ...
I have been ill these past few days. At first, I thought I’d come down with a bad case of Trumpitis after watching that sad sack of orange dog sick and his lounge lizard lackey ambush the ...
A couple of years ago, as the country went through another episode of rapid political change; frustration, anger and conspiracy theories found an enabling environment. But something else also ...
On Feb. 8, 1950, Joe McCarthy, a still-obscure senator from Wisconsin, addressed a meeting of the Women’s Republican Club in Wheeling, West Virginia. The good ladies were not shocked by his ...