Analysts at CasiMonka used AI sentiment analysis tools to sift through thousands of online comments from Reddit and Google ...
For centuries, scientists have been trying to determine who built Stonehenge. Today, the leading theory is that several ...
In a find that provides insights into the remarkable abilities of these ancient humans, new research studying the chemical ...
Step into the past with some of the oldest landmarks across the world, each holding centuries—even millennia—of history.
The historic site has been named one of the world's 'most disappointing tourist attractions' in a recent study, as it fails ...
Researchers say that Flagstones, a large circular enclosure in southern England, dates to around 3200 B.C.E.—which means it ...
This incredible historical monument has been named on a list of the most boring and disappointing in the world.
Award-winning guide Matthias Kurth, who helps US tourists who are too nervous to drive on English roads see the best British ...
A â€˜huge’ rise in the number of people taking tourists to Stonehenge in unlicensed vehicles is putting passengers at risk, frustrated ...
Stonehenge is the most famous henge, but it's not the only one. A new henge was just found in a completely different country.
Europe is full of ancient wonders, with archaeological sites that take you on a journey into the past. From the remains of ...
As well as sharing similarities with other Danish woodhenges, there is also a striking parity with a known woodhenge in ...