In a groundbreaking discovery, NASA's Pleiades supercomputer has revealed an unexpected spiral structure within the inner ...
Early in our Solar System’s history, bits of icy debris were scattered and then gradually coaxed into a spiral alignment in ...
"We were quite surprised," Dones continued. "Spirals are seen in Saturn's rings, disks around young stars and galaxies. The ...
This is the fourth comet Gröller has discovered, but given its extraordinary distance, it was the most exciting find, he says ...
One million alien visitors from another star system could already be lurking in the solar system. We aren't talking about ...
A comet called ATLAS dazzled the southern skies for the last few weeks. Now it's heading out of view for half a million years ...
The triple star system is sending comets, asteroids and meteors our way, and the number of interstellar objects entering the solar system will rise.
Floating around at the edge of the Solar System are leftovers from its formation. This is the Kuiper Belt, which is composed ...
Most of the long-period comets in the Solar System come from the outer Oort Cloud. The inner region is much more stable. It's ...
In a new study my colleagues and I published in December 2024, we discovered two classes of these elusive dark comets The solar system is teaming with small bodies such as comets and asteroids. These ...
A spiral structure composed of billions of comets in the inner solar system at its heart. | Credit: Robert Lea (created with Canva) Spirals are a repeating theme in astronomy, with arguably the ...