“Overall, Sabah is a safe destination to visit. The kidnapping incident involving Sipadan Island occurred more than 20 years ago,” she told Shikata. “Last year, the foreign ambassadors who attended ...
In this video we go Scuba Diving at the world famous Sipadan Island. Sipadan is a protected marine park and is top dive site in Malaysia. As a volcanic pinnacle island it has a sharp 650m drop off.
Pulau Sipadan has been featured as one of the top diving sites on ... Phuket [fzPrice]hkt[/fzPrice] is one of the Thailand’s most popular beach destinations. Scuba diving plays a big role in that – it ...
And where snorkelling skims the surface, diving pulls you into the deep. Scuba diving is a passport to an otherworldly dimension, where times slows a gravity seems to loosen its grip; where you ...