WATCHING her son doubled over in agony on the hospital bed, Hannah Amer begged doctors to act quickly to remove the metal ...
A baby underwent a horror seven-hour surgery to remove her bowel after swallowing toy magnetic balls. One-year-old Araya ...
An Amazon spokesperson said: "We are saddened to hear about this incident and we are reaching out to the family affected." ...
The mother of a one-year-old is calling for tiny magnetic balls to be banned after her daughter has had to have part of her bladder removed and a stoma bag fitted after swallowing some. Hannah ...
Then the surgeon asked, by any chance, could they be magnetic balls - and it just clicked ... to put them on their tongue as if they have piercing, but some have been accidentally ingested.
How To Get Hypercharge Abilities in Brawl Stars? Overall, players can unlock Hypercharge abilities in a few ways with either Starr Drops, Shop Deals, or just buying them outright. Purchase ...
Keeping pace with Hollywood’s perpetual awards horserace. Sign up for the newsletter here. Keeping pace with Hollywood’s perpetual awards horserace. Sign up for the newsletter here. Calling ...
Regardless of your chosen configuration, you’ll also get a titanium tip-up pocket clip, nested liner lock and caged ceramic ball-bearing pivot ... equally adept at long slices as it is at precision ...
The latest NFL discussion around Malaki Starks brings about the label of NFL "Ball Magnet" as the NFL Draft process gets underway. Former Georgia safety and defensive back, Malaki Starks appears ...
Louise Mcfarlane bought her eight-year-old son Junior Gallon a set of magnetic building balls from Amazon two ... pretending to have a 'cool' tongue piercing. Terrified, the mum-of-two rushed ...