Pectus carinatum, commonly referred to as “pigeon chest,” is a chest wall malformation in which the sternum and ribs push in an outward direction. It occurs when cartilage, the bones of the sternum ...
STONEY states (NATURE, January 6, vol. lxxxii., p. 279) that with a large aperture microscope objective and oblique illumination, Lycopodium spores are seen to be coated with hair-like projections.
Engineering firm Lycopodium disappointed the market with its interim results today whereas Southern Cross Electrical Engineering enjoyed strong gains after its profit report. Revenue from data centre ...
London-listed Kefi Gold and Copper (formerly KEFI Minerals) will own 80% of the exploration and holding company for the government of Ethiopia, KME, which, in turn, will own 56% of Tulu Kapi Gold ...