Lighter steer and heifer categories fell in value, while medium and heavier weights produced mixed results in a smaller offering of 13,339 cattle on AuctionsPlus last week. The softening in numbers, ...
Heavy rainfall that could lead to riverine flooding is expected for much of Queensland over the coming week, with the Bureau ...
What do global TV hit Bridgerton and outback Queensland have in common? A thriving social season filled with courtship and ...
Kurt Mann’s dad was a hard-as-nails front-rower known more for his fighting than his footy, who survived multiple brushes ...
A line of 362 high-quality Santa Gertrudis and Angus cross steers sold strongly on Friday, March 21, with all lots snapped up ...
Two poorly placed cacti more than 50 years ago have turned into a full-scale invasion. It's prompting calls for people to ...
A trio of in-form jockeys with close ties to Rockhampton racing will ply their skills at three different centres over the ...
The Prime Minister of Canada has announced his intention to purchase an Australian-developed, long-range, over-the-horizon ...
Queensland Rail is transforming its old crew quarters into affordable housing for vulnerable women. The initiative aims to ...
This popular seaside holiday destination is known for the exceptional Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and delightful Maremma ...
Elders' Andrew Meara, with K5X Angus bulls, including the 2024 sale's equal $14,000 top-priced bull K5X Transformer T63, ...
Joint media release with the Hon Ann Leahy MPMore than $50 million in new extraordinary disaster assistance to guide long-term flood recovery.Targeted ...