Residents of Naples and its surrounding areas abandoned their homes and camped out in parks and cars after a 4.4 magnitude ...
Monitoring stations around Mount Adams noted nine earthquakes ranging from magnitude 0.9 to 2.0 near the volcano between ...
State Route 36 has reopened to one-way traffic control with potential delays of up to one hour east of Swimmer's Delight near ...
The U.S. Geological survey reports that a 3.0 magnitude has struck Magee, Mississippi, Saturday, the same day multiple tornadoes touched down in the region.
State Route 36, a roadway frequently disrupted by landslides following recent storms, has reopened to limited one-way traffic ...
On a dynamic planet like Earth, it can be easy for drivers of change to go unnoticed – but scientists have now established ...
Solar heat may influence earthquakes and their timings by altering rock brittleness and underground water movement.
Recent increased seismic activity at Mt. Adams has brought state, tribal, and federal leaders together to reassess their ...