If we aren’t allowed to treat most of the properties in the infested areas, it is only a matter of time before it is too late ...
Few terrestrial animals don’t eat insects. Wolves have been known to eat insects in dire times, and even humans make surprisingly tasty meals of crickets, locusts, and the enormous grubs of Hercules ...
The Hercules beetle, or Dynastes Hercules, is one of the largest species of beetles found in the world. Growing up to 7 inches in length, they certainly have a fearsome appearance.
Why does this gigantic beetle make such a terrifying sound? The Hercules beetle is one of the largest beetle species in the world today. They’re unique compared to many of the beetles you’ll see ...
In the case of the coconut rhinoceros beetle, three dogs sniffed out 300-plus grubs over four training sessions last year. "They're interested in one area and you start to dig and all of a sudden ...
According to Science Magazine, an international team of researchers from China and the United States uncovered a prehistoric beetle specimen trapped inside amber, and on that specimen were tiny specs ...
This is the home of one of nature's most diligent little parents, the black and orange Gravedigger, or Burying Beetle. The two parents team up to feed, nurture and care for their grubs until they ...
Skunks, moles and birds can’t keep up. Local neighborhoods have bare ground instead of a lawn due to Japanese beetle grub damage. FMCA students urge residents to research treatments online.