Grey Wolf models include the Base Camp Package, Campfire Package, and the Limited Package. Cherokee models include the Base Camp Package, Campfire Package, and the Limited Package. Destination models ...
A gray wolf responsible for killing six calves and injuring two more — and the probable cause of four more livestock ...
Fourteen years after the first gray wolf, known as OR-7, was spotted in California in a century, the population has grown to ...
BREEDING: The Mexican gray wolf lives in packs of four to nine animals, consisting of two adults and their offspring. The alpha pair will mate for life, and they normally are the only breeding animals ...
Conservationists say delisting would harm wolf populations already threatened by climate change, loss of habitat and weak ...
The number of confirmed wolf depredation incidents is on the rise as California's gray wolf population slowly recovers Wildlife officials and ranchers are working together to find solutions to ...
The number of endangered Mexican gray wolves has increased for the ninth year in a row, but advocates say recovery isn't occurring fast enough.
Grey Wolf models include the Base Camp Package, Campfire Package, and the Limited Package. Cherokee models include the Base Camp Package, Campfire Package, and the Limited Package. Destination models ...
Nicknamed the “queen of the wolves,” 907F lived much longer than most grey wolves (Canis lupus) at Yellowstone, which have an average life span of four to five years. She was the alpha female ...
The Mexican wolf, or lobo, is the smallest subspecies of gray wolf in North America, weighing between 50-80 pounds with a characteristic buff, gray, rust and black fur coat. The wolves are also ...