Whales that get caught in Dungeness crab fishing gear have left fishermen and environmentalists scrambling for a solution.
In St John’s, Worcester, Alan’s Fishing Tackle is bracing for a challenge as Angling Direct have plans to open a branch down ...
Black Press Media climbs aboard commercial fishboat to explore decades-long battle over Salish Sea roe harvest ...
The Illinois Taxidermist Association's convention in Springfield through Sunday and a fishing tackle flea market on Saturday ...
Grumpy's Tackle in Seaside Park weighed in a very large white perch, as far as white perch go. The fish moved the scale down ...
For the last 12 years a company called Bureo has been working with local fisherman to remove dangerous nets from the ocean.
Dugan Paul Daniels had previously agreed to the sentence as part of a plea agreement for attempting to kill a whale, and the ...
Cipher Fishing has launched its brand to produce refined tackle for anglers. The brand was founded by manufacturing and ...
On March 15, you can visit Arkansas Game and Fish Commission nature centers to stock up or trade in new and used outdoor gear ...
Braided line mitigates twist, has no memory, has better sensitivity, casts farther, and can last many seasons.
Yes, you heard me right. By the time spring arrives here in Pennsylvania, you can be standing stream side fishing.
Researchers and volunteers were out in Catharine Creek on Wednesday, for Rainbow Trout sampling — measuring and tracking fish ...