Map view is where you interact with your map - draw cells, edit borders, symbols etc. Sidebar contains navigation options, various editing modes and, depending on the mode, some options. It's ...
Leap off the little wooden walkway into the sea for a quick exit. This treasure map drawing points north, out of Claviger’s Landing and along the river until you reach a bridge. This point is ...
You can easily draw a route on Google Maps using the directions feature. This allows you to see the quickest route between two or more points. Drawing a route on a custom map can be useful in ...
The Warden at the gate won’t let you in without him. This treasure map drawing is rather misleading, which makes sense in the context of the reason why the treasure was hidden, but still makes ...
Call the addBehavior('edit') method on the instance returned by to enable drawing controls. This will add buttons for drawing polygons, lines, and points. Features can be selected, ...
Building a sphere is of course a bit tricky with a laser cutter, so [Jonathan] went for the icosahedron shaped Dymaxion map projection (think of a large d20 dice) and burnt the world onto it.