A man in his 20s recently called into the Dave Ramsey Show looking for some guidance, and you can see the entire exchange ...
Ramsey, who admits to owning "15-20 houses and a bunch of commercial real estate," says his wealth isn't about greed because, ...
Dave Ramsey has shared some sage advice for Americans striving for entry into the millionaire club: stick to your plan and be ...
Ramsey’s advice on how to afford a down payment for a home in 2025 is to put a pause on contributing to your retirement funds ...
When a 23-year-old named Travis from Vermont recently asked about the feasibility of Dave Ramsey’s 25% mortgage rule, it ...
Americans are drowning in debt. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, U.S. household debt is at $18.04 trillion, ...
While many people are excited about the record-breaking numbers in sports betting, financial expert Dave Ramsey sees a big ... It's a business designed for the house to win.