The Otaku Love Connection is a manga that takes supportive side characters and makes them the stars of the story from the ...
The strongest heroes and villains in Sailor Moon have death, darkness, and destruction-based attacks and abilities.
Theophilus Brown and Paul Wonner's nudes, still-lifes, and landscapes transport art history buffs at Cañada College.
So with King Grey coming from a more sci-fi world, I had a couple of check marks I wanted ... The Beginning After The End seems to draw from both Asian pop culture and western D&D fantasy.
A couple of runs of the anime didn't even let ... The Catholic church didn't have to make a chibi anime mascot but they sure made a pretty good chibi anime mascot in Luce! Game respects game ...
A win could also begin a mammoth couple of hours for his ... is very open and those with a better draw have a better chance,” Shum said. “Chill Chibi will improve because before his last ...