British painters of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : with eighty examples of their work engraved on wood. - London: [1880] ...
“I thought, ‘We can do better than that.’” Tobias Forrest, co-star of the 2024 feature film Daruma, will be in attendance for a screening at the Dairy Arts Center in Boulder on March 13. Courtesy: ...
A true master of the ‘art of the deal’ would recognize that any peace and reconciliation negotiation would do well to carve out a potential role for the Saudis at Al-Aqsa, principally as a linchpin to ...
The Ennis Arts Association will host the 29th annual Madison Valley Arts Festival on Saturday, July 26, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Artists working in all media can submit entries for the juried show by Apr. 1.
Boulder County residents can now submit their designs for a Boulder Public Library card art contest. Participants are asked to create cards that show off global designs or highlight connections ...
From February 21 to March 2, Southwestern University’ Sarofim School of Fine Arts theater program presented NUNSENSE: THE MUSICAL by Dan Goggin on their Jesse H. and Mary Gibbs Jones stage.
While a lot of us take of our bodies many of us neglect our mind. Amber Thomas is an arts therapist and runs "A Brush Box," which provides handcrafted art kits to calm your mind and regulate your ...
a series that “aims to explore the Virgin Islands through art, creative writing, archiving, philosophy, storytelling, and spiritual practice,” according to the Virgin Islands Studies Collective.
The supplemental budget pool is available to support all divisions; a distribution of supplement to each of the three divisions ensures that the success of one improves the situation of all The ...
15th Street Gallery: Featuring lithographs by Santa Fe artist Rodney Carswell; open by appointment only; 1708 15th St., Boulder; Art and Soul Gallery: Downtown space ...
Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for Miranda Yousef's doc Art for Everybody, direct from YouTube: Intro via SXSW: "Thomas Kinkade, the most successful artist of his time, was beloved and ...