With a 3D printer, a projector and a lot of pixie dust (spray paint), you too can bring Disneyland into your home.
Live from GDC, Patrick Ruckdeschel, art director on papercraft 3D platformer Ruffy and the Riverside, revealed that the first game the team looked to for inspiration was, unsurprisingly, Paper Mario.
This week is peak Maw-feeding season, for it is the release week of Monster Hunter Wilds, in which there are many maws. Fanged maws! Tusked maws! Pincered maws! Floppy toad maws! Whatever the ...
How can you tell if a snowman is mad at you? He gives you the cold shoulder. Snowman season will be with us for a while yet, but our winter landscapes needn’t look cold and dreary. We can enjoy ...