Moody’s has downgraded the outlook for Mauritius from Stable to Negative, but maintained its sovereign rating at Baa3. The ...
Fiscal measures** According to Moody’s comments, dated 16 December 2024, the Government should run a primary fiscal balance to reduce the public debt to GDP ratio, and demonstrate the effective ...
Introduction** The unprecedented constant changes that are reshaping our daily life impose challenges that our policymakers cannot disregard. Never before have we lived in such a technologically ...
If you walk along the main road of Ecroignard, you cannot miss the tailor’s shop of Atma Appadoo. It’s like hundreds of ...
Roche-Bon-Dieu, the village of Maxime Larose, reinforces his faith in what he does. At first encounter, one would say Maxime ...
Absa Mauritius a été certifiée *Top Employer pour 2025* par le *Top Employer Institute* (TEI), une distinction qui s’étend à ...
Nouvelle initiative chez Wensum Ltd, grand nom de la haute couture mauricienne et fournisseur de costumes de luxe en ...
*«La Gambling Regulatory Authority (GRA) tient à préciser que la Horse Racing Division (HRD) n’a pas été dissoute, comme ...
Daniel Monvoisin *(photo)*, ancien surintendant de police, fait son grand retour aux Casernes centrales. Désormais conseiller ...
Le ministre des Terres et du Logement, Shakeel Mohamed, a annoncé que 77 % des travaux de la New Social Living Development ...