Soils aren't all alike. You'll be less discombobulated in garden stores if you know how garden soil differs from potting soil ...
The lack of sufficient organic material is no laughing matter when it comes to your soil’s tilth and fertility. The organic faction in your soil is the next all-important issue after soil texture and ...
I recently got a question from a reader about where to get good soil and compost. Part of her request was for “organic” soil ...
Gardeners love loam soil because it's moist, soft and full of nutrients. Here's how to get more of it in your garden beds.
HAS sprung, the grass is on the rise, as are your weeds and garden chores. Your soil and its fertility will be a major concern if you want a bountiful harvest.
The cheeriest container for your spring blooms and plants actually isn't a container at all (or a pot, or a vase): A ball of ...
Fertilizers and compost are important additions to a garden. Fertilizers contain the big three—nitrogen for green growth, ...
• Applied to depth of 4 inches, mulch suppresses weeds by blocking sunlight from reaching the soil. Too much mulch, though, ...
Only collect washed-up seaweed, never cut living seaweed, and give it a rinse with your garden hose once you’re home. Add ...
Planting your own vegetable garden can save families hundreds of dollars each year, say experts. Here's where to begin.
The earliest spring vegetables include two delightful salad greens: corn salad (mâche) and chervil. They already look ...
To get an accurate soil sample, dig down to where the plant roots will be, and take eight to 10 samples across your gardening ...