If you purchase one, keep in mind that they need just the right conditions to grow successfully, replicating their natural ...
Pennsylvania Game Commission field forester Marty Cirelli is currently spearheading a project aimed at managing woody ...
By Aislinn Sarnacki Have you ever noticed how much tree bark varies in texture, color and pattern? If your answer is “no,” I ...
There's something magnificent about standing amidst towering, old-growth trees. You'll find a special tract of them at Watoga ...
According to an environmental assessment released by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, a combination of commercial and ...
Seeing blue dots, red Xs, orange circles, and purple bands on trees and wondering what they mean? Here's what we found out ...
But the Army Corps of Engineers is in charge of clearing private property — that’s why those blue markings on trees are cropping up. During Phase 1, the EPA marked trees with white spray paint ...
Cherokee rose, or rosa laevigata, is the official Georgia state flower. The flower is native to eastern Asia, though it is ...
Its bark starts smooth and dark in young trees, developing into deeply furrowed ridges as it matures. The cones of the white pine are often coated with white sap. Preferring moist, acidic, and ...