But they just didn't have the resources — the social mobility — to become wealthy owners of a house with a white picket fence. So, if you ask me what the "American dream" is today, it's more ...
consulting a financial adviser could be the first step toward living out your version of the American dream — with or without the white picket fence.
From tinier homes to fewer vacations, America's aspirations are getting smaller by the day The American dream ... that has the house with the white picket fence, 2.5 children, a lucrative ...
And because Vance represents one possible future for the American Right ... an end-state — the single-family home with a white picket fence in the cul-de-sac occupied by two parents, 2.5 ...
It’s the American dream people. Through hard work and determination, every citizen of the United States has the opportunity to secure a white picket fence and a white Ford Mustang with 804bhp ...
Texas ranks 27th in affordable luxury home prices. California has the highest luxury home price in the country, with a ...