Alex Mercado could feel the walls closing in. The 28-year-old living in Dallas, far from his family in Ciudad Juarez, struggled with insomnia.
Named after the hero in Homer’s “Oddysey,” this syndrome highlights the journeys that migrants endure, much like Ulysses’ long trip back home after the Trojan War, according to Achotegui.
The first images of Tom Holland characterized as one of the characters of 'The Odyssey', the new film by Christopher Nolan, ...
The actor, 28, was spotted filming in Methoni, Greece for the action epic, alongside the Oscar-winning director, 54, and a ...
Step into the intricate world of James Joyce's literature, where language bends, narratives shift, and hidden depths await., ...
Matt Damon is set to star as Odysseus, the legendary Greek king of Ithaca and titular hero of Homer's epic poem ... iterations as Mario Camerini's Ulysses, a fairly straight-forward retelling ...
The Odyssey will partially be filmed in Sicily, where scholars say Homer based a portion of Ulysses’ journey in his 8th century BCE epic. Nolan’s Odyssey will reportedly start shooting in ...
1958's Hercules is an actual Italian sword and sandal movie starring the legendary Steve Reeves. Obviously it's based on the ...