New research suggests that, as well as being a probable centre for the veneration of the Sun, Stonehenge was also a fertility temple. A detailed study of a partly buried fallen stone at the monument ...
For centuries, scientists have been trying to determine who built Stonehenge. Today, the leading theory is that several ...
Ever since serious scientific study of Stonehenge began, archaeologists have noted its alignment with the movements ... for visitors approaching on the solar axis. The only other stone which ...
Many archaeologists agree that the sarsen stones (which are also the largest stones) near the center of Stonehenge were aligned with the solar cycle ... been arranged in alignment with the ...
Despite the turmoil in the federal government, the sun will rise at Chaco Culture National Historical Park this year. And if this season is clouded by lack of funding and the park is shuttered or ...
Therefore, Professor Meehan's research shows that the rituals at Stonehenge itself may have had a phallic ... another six-ton rock known as the altar stone. Since, in terms of solar alignment, the ...
I spotted Baltimorehenge. The sun lined up just so in the west, sending a bright shaft of light down East Lombard Street, ...
The mound’s alignment with ... resemble the famous Stonehenge in England. While it’s true purpose remains a mystery, many believe the arrangement of stones was used for astronomical observations, as ...
Flagstones, an ancient monument and burial ground in England, is older than Stonehenge, a new radiocarbon-dating study finds.