As well as sharing similarities with other Danish woodhenges, there is also a striking parity with a known woodhenge in ...
Archaeologists Taken Aback by Discovery of Burial Site Older Than Stonehenge, 'Possibly Served as a Prototype' Stonehenge is ...
Local community archaeology tourism benefits the heritage, the people and the rainforest. As Colombian archaeologist Javier ...
Stonehenge is the most famous henge, but it's not the only one. A new henge was just found in a completely different country.
Mudumal Megalithic Menhirs, also known as Mudumal Niluvu Raallu, are among the largest and most enigmatic standing stones ...
A â€˜huge’ rise in the number of people taking tourists to Stonehenge in unlicensed vehicles is putting passengers at risk, frustrated ...
Despite the turmoil in the federal government, the gates are scheduled to open before the sun rises for the spring equinox at ...
Experts were also able to put a rough date on this latest discovery, and suggest that the findings could be between 3500 and ...
U.S. Rep. Rob Bresnahan Jr., on Thursday sent a letter to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission PUC urging the agency to ...
All our activities use only simple, inexpensive materials and require little preparation. Children should always be supervised when doing any of the activities, but many of them can be set up, and ...
Visit Buckingham Palace and discover one of the only working royal palaces in the world! Tour the King’s home and explore the 19 opulent Buckingham Palace State Rooms, the beautiful gardens, the ...