Roblox’s Fisch is no stranger to events. Most recently, we had the Valentine’s Event that had players catching Lovestorm Eels, and currently, players are striving to catch rare fish in the ...
A game-changing new quality of life feature has launched in Pokémon Go that’ll make shiny hunting your favorite creatures a lot easier. Niantic has introduced nearby Pokémon alerts to help you track ...
The open world fishing simulator on Roblox, Fisch has an impressive RNG feature that occasionally grants you unique variants of the regular fishes. This can be achieved passively using better fishing ...
Second, look at that little face! Third, we get not one, but two new moves for its final evolution, Skeledirge, and fourth, we get a new shiny. It's not a good shiny, but it is a new shiny Fuecoco ...
Fisch has added a much-requested item to the game called Glimmersuit Boots, which increase your walking speed on land. To get the boots, interact with the Dr Crookspine NPC and collect 3 secret items, ...
Wondering how to obtain all the eggs in Roblox Fisch? The latest update introduced five new eggs to the game that you can find to grab free rewards such as baits, in-game currency or more. In fact, a ...
Not sure how to obtain Boots, Rocket Fuel and Speed Core in Roblox Fisch? These three items are required to complete Glimmersuit Boots Quest which eventually rewards you with Speed Boots. So if you’re ...