While the ability to pull enough minerals from these sources to power the energy transition is still a long way off, ...
Minerals are typically formed when molten rock, or magma, cools, or by separating out of mineral-rich water, such as that in underground caverns. In general, mineral particles are small ...
Instead of continuing to dig tunnels or pits, some scientists are looking to a promising yet challenging source of minerals: ...
Museum planetary science researcher Prof Sara Russell explains the origins of Earth's closest companion. No bigger than a smartphone, this remarkable rock has layers that tell ... will be displayed in ...
Deep below Earth's surface, rock and mineral formations lay hidden with a secret brilliance. Under a black light, the chemicals fossilized within shine in brilliant hues of pink, blue and green.
an honorary professor of Earth sciences at Aberystwyth University in the U.K., told Live Science in an email. "These are termed the common rock-forming minerals and include feldspar, olivine ...
Explore 500,000 rocks, gems and minerals, including 5,000 meteorites ... We have set out on an ambitious programme to develop a new science and digitisation centre. As we prepare for the move, access ...