The bear, affectionately known by neighbors as Barry, was ultimately lured into a trap with apples, peanut butter and rotisserie chicken Shyla Watson is a digital news editor at PEOPLE.
heading to his favorite fishing spots while taking in the endless beauty of his beloved Quabbin Reservoir. Surely, the smallmouth bass he pursued won’t miss him, but the reservoir will be a much ...
Northern Colorado residents kicked off their snowy weekend with a frosty tradition—the Polar Bear Plunge at Horsetooth Reservoir. Despite the brisk 36-degree water temperatures, participants gathered ...
To accommodate growth in Pacific Palisades, they built a reservoir in Santa Ynez Canyon, as well as a pumping station “to increase fire protection,” as the L.A. Department of Water and Power ...
A father and son died after a terrifying bear attack in a forest in India. The duo had ventured into the area to gather wood when they were viciously attacked by an enraged sloth bear in the ...
But their discovery that day exceeded all expectations—a mammoth reservoir, second only to the one at Dholavira in Gujarat. It was nothing short of a marvel of engineering. Rakhigarhi, one of the ...
The licence holder of a small reservoir located above last month’s deadly Lions Bay debris flow says he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on slide prevention, engineering and remediation.
Three years later she was a media star after giving birth to Hamish - the first polar bear cub to be born in the UK in 25 years. Visitor numbers to the park soared and its gift shop was stuffed ...
“It is a big, active groundwater reservoir up there right now, but its longevity and resilience to change is set by the availability of recharging waters,” Karlstrom said. The findings also ...
“It is a big, active groundwater reservoir up there right now, but its longevity and resilience to change is set by the availability of recharging waters,” Karlstrom warned. While discovering this ...