This flowering perennial is a favorite of pollinators like hummingbirds and bees. It loves damp soil, making it perfect for ...
In the vegetable garden, cold-hardy or “cool-season vegetables” include onions, leeks, shallots, carrots, lettuce, spinach, ...
Another early spring-flowering plant which you will find right now at garden centers is ranunculus ( Ranunculus asiaticus ), ...
MacCubbin gives Florida gardening advice on firespikes, St. Augustine lawns, allamanda, baghiagrass, roebelinii and ...
Spring is full of so many beautiful aromas, uplifting our yards and making them an even more pleasant place to be ...
Narcissus ‘Stainless’: Another exquisite, pale-flowered daffodil without even a hint of yellow, its large, shallow, ...
Get to work this weekend with key jobs of the season including spring cleaning your borders, feeding soil and planting your ...
The Mexican mint marigold, the newest Texas Superstar plant, is a hardy, easy-to-grow herb and popular herbaceous ornamental perennial.
Flowers from June to July: Delphiniums offer pastel beauty and need fertile, well-drained soil in a sheltered, sunny location ...
It contains Blom’s science-based principles on seeing, understanding, structuring, harmonizing, rooting, and liberating the ...
Opportunities abound to spruce up the old homefront from the Sonoma/North Bay Home Expo at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds to ...
Most perennials are easy care plants that require less maintenance than annuals and return year after year with minimal fuss.