Camping is now banned in all Hermosa Beach public areas in a move that will essentially make it illegal for unhoused people ...
An Oregon judge has blocked the city at the heart of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on homelessness from enforcing its camping ...
Chandler City Council has approved two ordinances to clamp down on urban camping and loitering at transit stops.
A sudden reduction from 150 spaces to 30 spaces in sites that are not ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant is ...
Lawmakers want homeless people in cities a certain size to be in shelters. This Republican-backed measure is just “pushing ...
A statewide camping ban passed last week in the West Virginia House of Delegates 89-9, prohibiting all homeless to camp on ...
People without housing in Mandan now face restrictions on sleeping and camping on public property, a move city officials say ...
Rana Al-Ahmad opens her fridge after breaking fast at sundown with her husband and four children during the Muslim holy month ...