In a surprising discovery, a camera trap set up near a human-dominated landscape in Pune’s grasslands and farmlands has captured an image of the Indian pangolin. The sighting highlights how ...
The Chinese Pangolin is one of two species that researchers have now provided high-quality, nearly gapless genome sequences and analyzed these for information to aid in conservation of these animals.
KARACHI: The population of the Indian pangolin - Manis Crassicaudata in the country has plummeted due to poaching, illegal trade, habitat destruction, retaliatory killings, and climate change ...
Despite international trade bans, it is estimated that one pangolin is poached every three minutes, primarily to supply illegal markets in Asia and for bushmeat consumption in Africa. At the 78th ...
The group, in commemoration of the World Pangolin Day held on February 15, also advocated support in updating Nigeria’s wildlife legislation to combat wildlife trafficking.
The creature is being trafficked across Africa and Asia to fuel a steady demand for their scales, an ingredient in unproven remedies A pangolin emerges from an underground tunnel at night at Save ...
The population of the Indian pangolin has drastically plummeted in Pakistan due to a variety of factors, mainly poaching, illegal trade, habitat loss, retaliatory killings and climate change.
To our amazement, a pangolin strolled into the scene. Big mistake. The older females showed little interest but the young lions were onto it. The pangolin did what pangolins do best.
A vivid vehicle for a dynamic, often very funny Mala Emde Contrary to the exalted aura that often surrounds Jarrett – and which the film fondly sends up – this larky, sometimes facetious film ...
But fate and circumstance can play funny tricks. It’s ironic that these former East German provinces where the film is set host a small minority Slavic-speaking community – ironic because ...
From the earliest days of cinema, comedy has been one of the most dominant genres. In the silent era, stars like Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin brought laughs to audiences worldwide, while ...