Newtown High School senior Audrey Srebotnik is excited to have her very own exhibit on display at C.H. Booth Library for the ...
Matched up against the top teams from throughout the region, Newtown High School’s dance team put its best feet forward and ...
Tina Sigana, a survivor of the shooting is comforted by her home room teacher Missy Dodds, who was in the classroom where the ...
Anxiety and sadness over school shootings is common. But 'Start With Hello' is helping students channel their feelings into ...
Legal war breaks out in Newtown after a controversial vote last month to cut a subdivision plan by 15% and approve 99 homes.
To combat school shootings, Sandy Hook Promise released a new PSA centered around a teddy bear. A member of the group tells Her Campus about its message.
John Netis, safety supervisor for Agawam schools (center), is flanked by the district’s new school safety coordinators. On ...
Newtown-based Sandy Hook Promise has reached more than 13 million through the peer-to-peer program to end gun violence ...
Sadness, fear and anxiety over school-based gun violence are common sentiments among children and teenagers. But one Connecticut nonprofit, which was formed in Newtown after the 2012 shooting at ...
Nicholas Prosper admitted to killing his mother Juliana Falcon, 48, his 13-year-old sister Giselle Prosper and 16-year-old ...