At the Jersey Shore, you’ll hear the occasional hum of an electric golf cart or strident seagull. Also inevitable, it seems, ...
WHEN Sandra Elliott anticipated the occupational hazards of her husband’s job, she feared he might need a knee replacement or ...
A stonemason has engaged lawyers after suffering irreparable lung damage from regularly breathing in silica dust at work.
as even wet-cutting techniques and respirators fail to eliminate silica dust exposure. The plaintiff, now awaiting a lung transplant, is one of thousands of workers suffering from this entirely ...
Many Indians are exposed to silica dust, but experts and patients lament the lack of information and health services related to silicosis. Sophie Cousins reports from West Bengal.
Caused by breathing in silica dust found in natural stone, sand and concrete, silicosis causes inflammation and scarring to ...
Dust, he now knows, was slowly destroying his lungs with very breath. The 49-year-old's body has been ravaged by silicosis, a terrifying disease that causes internal scarring and inflammation ...
The Minns Labor Government has established a new Expert Taskforce to oversee and help address silica related health risks for workers in tunnelling projects.
The HEART5 Mobile Health Unit — a B-double truck packed with equipment to test mine dust lung diseases like silicosis, black ...