Kobayashi and his colleagues christened the new therizinosaur, Duonychus tsogtbaatari. The genus name means “double claw”, ...
A new species of dinosaur named Duonychus tsogtbaatari has been discovered by scientists, and unlike other therizinosaurs, ...
A new dinosaur species, Duonychus tsogtbaatari, was discovered in Mongolia's Gobi Desert. This therizinosaurs member featured ...
A rare fossil unearthed in Mongolia's Gobi Desert has led to the identification of a new dinosaur species Duonychus ...
A team of palaeontologists has discovered a rare dinosaur species in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, naming it Duonychus tsogtbaatari ...
Scientists found this therizinosaur had only two fingers on each hand, with 30-centimeter claws used to grasp branches and ...
Instead of crushing its prey, the wasp’s flytrap-like abdomen likely served as a restraining device. The flaps and teeth-like ...
The Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies have many terrifying dinosaurs. But even still, nothing beats a raptor.
An ancient wasp may have zipped among the dinosaurs, with a body like a Venus flytrap to seize and snatch its prey, ...
During the excavation, they found Rhabdodon, a herbivorous dinosaur, and a few theropod carnivores ... especially how big they were, how they moved, and how they used their environment," states ...
Adopted in 1911, the Colorado state flag features bold colors of blue, white, red, and gold, representing the sky, ...