And chief among them were my people, Irish Catholics. I’ve written many times before that Irish Catholics, sadly, have ...
Donations to Irish people from indigenous communities in Canada during the Great Famine - valued at around €12,000 today - ...
Ireland's rich history is often commemorated and celebrated through events, art, and education, with some residual tensions ...
St. Patrick’s Day offers an annual reminder that, in terms of ancestry, no US state is quite as Irish as New Hampshire — not ...
An Taibhse comes from on-the-rise writer-director John Farrelly and is set during the tail end of the Great Famine.
Neely explains Knoxville's rich Irish heritage, highlighting the impact of Irish immigrants on the city's early development.
John Farrelly, 23, used his own savings to make An Taibhse, about to be released in cinemas, writes Esther McCarthy ...
Given the oppressive conditions under which they lived and worked, it’s hard to imagine how 19th Century Irish immigrants had ...
The Ireland of Trump is a fantasia composed of his fleeting visits to the golf resort he owns in Doonbeg and his property ...
Marking Saint Patrick’s Day the bishops of Ireland encouraged the faithful to pray for peace in the world, especially in Gaza ...