The Discovery Center of Idaho opened their latest exhibit ‘The World’s Largest Dinosaurs,’ going beyond their leathery skin.
Dino Discovery, an exhibition of life-size animatronic dinosaurs, is coming to the Utica Zoo from May 14 to Oct. 19, officials announced Wednesday. The exhibit is expected to draw an extra 25,000 ...
Rex? This weekend at Dinosaur Adventure you’ll have the chance to see those guys roaming around the Fairgrounds.
which is the state dinosaur of Oklahoma," Patrick Weisz, vice president of guest experience at the Tulsa Zoo. Kids will also get the chance to dig for fossils. The exhibit will stay at the zoo ...
Heck, there are even dino eggs with cute little babies hatching from them, as if they won’t grow up to be frightening 5-ton beasts. The exhibit “Dino Days” brings 13 animatronic dinosaur ...
The international exhibit Dino Discovery will bring more than 15 life-size, animatronic dinosaurs to the zoo with the tallest one measuring 39 feet, Heath announced at a press conference at the ...