Watching a great white shark shoot out of the water only a few feet from your boat is chilling! Listen to this crowd react!
A pair of North Carolina fishermen recently reeled in a Great White Shark during a 30-minute encounter before releasing it ...
The biggest, most formidable shark to have ever roamed the ocean may have been even larger than previously thought, according to a new study. The research, published Sunday in the journal ...
A 9-foot, 11-inch great white shark, tagged by OCEARCH, had not sent location pings in over a year. The shark, named Ormond, suddenly and repeatedly pinged off Florida's Panhandle this week.
A 637-pound great white shark has traveled thousands of miles over the last two years and is now heading toward Louisiana's coast. The nearly 10-foot-long shark known as Ormond was located on ...
In a recent video posted by Seanrileymusic, the passengers on a small vessel had an incredible encounter when a massive great white shark breached the surface near their boat. Few sights in nature ...