If you embrace the darker corners of your garden, it can open up a wonderful world of textures, layers, forms and colour.
The cheeriest container for your spring blooms and plants actually isn't a container at all (or a pot, or a vase): A ball of ...
Thomas Brass’s Serenity Moss Garden will be open for free public viewing 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (March 22 and 23) at 253 Park Lane in Haywood Knolls.
These popular succulents come in many varieties. Haworthia fasciata, commonly called a zebra plant, grows in a striped ...
HAS sprung, the grass is on the rise, as are your weeds and garden chores. Your soil and its fertility will be a major concern if you want a bountiful harvest.
Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, the University of Cologne, and the University of ...
Local classes and events offer a variety of experiences, including stained glass classes and gardening workshops.
Learn how to care for snapdragons, zinnias, and begonias this spring to ensure vibrant blooms and attract pollinators.
As one of the places we spend most of our time, it is no wonder we want to design our homes to feel zen, refreshing, and a ...
Researchers measured post-restoration Sphagnum moss layer growth on 18 peatland sites in Finland 10 years after restoration. According to the study, a thick Sphagnum moss layer forms rapidly during ...
The weather is warming up, flowers are starting to pop out of the ground and outdoor vegetable gardening time is here!
Cottage garden style is all about layering flowers, a tenet that Fish happily applied to her garden. The pathway leading up to it is lined with lady’s mantle, purple columbine, lavender, and ‘Sarah ...