The average apartment listed for rent at $1,876 in February. Average listing prices in Kitsap County are trending 0.806% ...
Oregon landlords could be barred from using AI-powered software to set rents or occupancy rates if the Oregon Legislature moves forward on a new bill.
It is one of many apartments coming to Lynnwood’s City Center, an area poised for transformation through various ...
Ziegler is pleased to announce the successful closing of Fairview's $7,500,000 Series 2025A Bond Anticipation Notes (the "BANs") through the Connecticut Health and Education Facilities Authority.
REACH Community Development is looking to sell its entire portfolio of scattered site homes in Southeast Portland.
The bridge is located between the intersections of Forrester and Coolspring Church Roads and Forrester and North Mill Roads.
Redfern Properties wants to build more than 500 market-rate apartments in Bayside, but the economic climate would have to ...
Developers also believed the small size of the apartments and accompanying “chalet” homes — 44 duplexes and 18 three-plexes — ...
The newest affordable housing apartment complex in Topsham is nearing completion, and the Brunswick-Topsham Housing Authority is accepting new tenant applications as units become available in the ...
A fire in a senior living facility was contained within 55 minutes, thanks to the sprinkler system, with no injuries reported.
A senior-living apartment complex in south Charlotte caught fire early Wednesday morning. Firefighters were called to the ...
No one was injured during a fire at Fairview Apartments on Sunday, according to the Lexington City communications manager Derwin Hargrave.