A bill to create a perpetual trust fund that State Treasurer Curt Meier believes could offset potential loss of mineral ...
Even if the resolution is ultimately signed by Gov. Mark Gordon, its supporters don’t anticipate Congress doing anything, ...
On a razor thin 16 - 15 vote, the Wyoming Senate revived a bill on Thursday calling on Congress to hand over all public lands ...
The Wyoming Senate narrowly voted Thursday for a resolution demanding that Congress turn over some 30 million federal acres ...
After failing, the bill was reconsidered and the majority of Wyoming senators voted in favor of calling on Congress to give ...
It’s the latest attempt by a Western state to claim public land, after the U.S. Supreme Court squashed Utah’s lawsuit to gain ...
At nearly $5 billion a year, tourism is Wyoming’s second-leading economic driver. Even so, the state’s tourism industry says ...
Whitetail and mule deer in one season, with one license. On Monday, the state Senate rejected Senate File 3, “Mule and whitetail deer-separate hunting seasons,” in a 19-12 vote. On the Senate floor ...
Agriculture committee asks Congress to give the state 30 million federal acres — including Grand Teton National Park.
A measure to separate mule deer hunting licenses from whitetail deer licenses made it past a panel of lawmakers Tuesday. The Senate Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee voted ...