The Curlew Recovery Project has been funded by Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) and is part of the Melbreak Wildlife ...
Hampshire Wildlife Trust says the glossy ibis is a 'scarce visitor to the UK' - it has been spotted and snapped by ...
The numbers may not seem huge, but Stone-curlews lay a maximum of two eggs and only have one to two broods per year. This ...
We’re delighted to share that, after a competitive bidding process, the RSPB will be taking over the management of Wiltshire ...
Conservationists watched in awe this week as a breathtaking and rare spectacle unfolded — 120 endangered far eastern curlews ...
Staff at the Northumberland National Park are encouraging dog owners to keep their pets on leads and to responsibly dispose ...
Farmers are taking part in a community-led project which is reversing the decline in wader populations on Achill Island.
and Coot have already begun leaving while certain wader birds like Lesser whistling duck, Redshank, Curlew, and Pipit have not shown any urgency to leave yet as they live in shallow water ...