From dairy dilemmas to sugar struggles, Lounge talks to experts to unravel the food-acne connection and guide you towards ...
Some moisture is natural. But for when things go into overdrive, these experts drop the most effective mop-up plan ...
Certified dermatologist and founder of Remedy Skin Dr Muneeb Shah has shed some light on how stress can contribute to the ...
Acne isn't just for teens. As women increasingly suffer from skin problems in later life, Rosie Green reveals pro-approved ...
Keeping tabs on your menstrual cycle and then adjusting your skincare as needed can help prevent pre-period flare-ups. For example, if you only have hormonal acne before your period try using benzoyl ...
Many people still rely on baby products to keep their skin soft, supple, and flawless—just like a baby’s. But did you even ...
Regular use of baking soda helps in getting rid of clogged skin pores and skin marks ... Oily, greasy food can lead to stimulate the oil glands to produce more sebum, which can block pores and lead to ...
This article explores the science-backed benefits of zinc, the best dietary sources, and how to ensure optimal intake for ...