A new website now gives you a regular count, usually weekly, of how many steelhead, coho salmon, chinook salmon and brown ...
Almost everywhere in California, salmon are on the decline. But in Putah Creek—a restored stream running through the ...
UC Davis researchers Thursday announced a new study that proves years of hard work to heal the Putah Creek habitat is saving salmon.
Rhimer and Schulte, who retired from lure making a few years ago, once sold them for $9 per dozen and then raised the price to $18 a dozen. They’ve been $2 each for the last 10 to 15 years, a price ...
B ack in November, the fish-loving community was chuffed to the gills after several dead Chinook salmon carcasses floated to ...
A coalition of environmental groups sued the Eugene Water and Electric Board, accusing the public utility of violating the Endangered Species Act. EWEB has disputed the allegations.
In a surprising turn of events, Chinook salmon have been spotted in California's North Yuba River for the first time in ...
California’s sport and commercial fishermen have been walloped by two years of salmon closures and are bracing for a ...
A juvenile chinook salmon is measured by UC Davis researchers during its migration out of Putah Creek. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to ...
From left, UC Davis lead author Lauren Hitt, junior specialist Jordan Colby and coauthor Mackenzie Miner prepare to search for chinook salmon on Lower Putah Creek by canoe.
A new online mapping tool from the city of Vancouver is making it easier for residents to understand how proposed land use changes could affect their neighborhoods. The land use… Read story ...