Mitch Voit caused a stir on social media after the Michigan baseball player's chalk-snorting celebration went viral, with ...
At Charles Drew High School near Atlanta, a new program supports students who are caring for children or sick relatives.
Libraries on the coast are hosting programs for all ages. First up is the Vancleave Library. They will teach kids how to make chalk starting at 4 PM on Tuesday. The program invites those aged 5 – 12.
Pica is a feeding disorder in which people eat items that are not food, such as paper, soap, paint, chalk, and even metal ...
If you're looking for birthday party games for kids, we've got all the fun ideas. Our list of 100 kids' party games includes ...
Pour green Jell-O into a clear container and hide a little toy or figurine inside. Put it into the fridge so it has time to ...
The Arkansas Razorbacks are set to kick off an exciting day of football and fun at the annual Red-White Football Game at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 19, inside Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium.
New there this year is the International Conservation Center, Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium's center for African elephants and ...
Chalk Art Event: Students in grades six through 12 can contribute their artistic talents to a chalk art mural in the ...
• Sterling Heights Public Library will continue curbside materials service, phone service, and home delivery/outreach service ...
Jigawa sate governor Umar Namadi has been honoured with an Award of Excellence for outstanding leadership by the Abdullahi ...