Arlington Heights will begin brick paver work this week on the downtown train station, as well as sections of Vail, Dunton and Evergreen avenues in the Union Pacific right of way. The construction ...
Hardscaping does more than shape your space — it impacts soil health, water flow and the surrounding ecosystem.
The closing date for the Edmonds Historical Museum Plaza brick orders is April 5. The bricks will be installed in May 2025.
Feb. 13—The Decatur Animal Services Advisory Board will be selling inscribed brick memorial pavers to be placed in front of the animal shelter, and Osborne Animal Clinic plans to purchase a dog ...
The City of Gainesville proposes spending $3.2 million to replace historic brick roads with “broom-swept” concrete or fake brick pavers in the “Streatery,” a two-block area downtown, on SW 1st Avenue, ...
Gainesville City Commissioner Bryan Eastman makes a motion at the February 20 meetingBY JENNIFER CABRERAGAINESVILLE, Fla. – During the afternoon session of the February 20 Gainesville City Commission ...
Working with an existing 1-story brick building, the architects added a double-height second floor and implemented a screen of terra-cotta pavers in front of the building to shade large window ...
Following five years of delays, Santa Rosa County can at last embark on effort to replace Hurricane Sally damage at Navarre Park.
This spring, when go-kart drivers in the Purdue Grand Prix take to the track, they'll cross over original bricks from IMS.
Floods from Cyclone Alfred are a reminder that days of isolation and wearing the cost of floods out of your own pocket are ...