This piece contains analysis of the 2023 Annual Church Profile (ACP). The 2024 ACP data will be released later this year.
Aretha Franklin is the Queen of Soul, and quintessential Atlantic singer, but her early talents may also have inspired their rival Motown sound.
Prayers for their safe return also came from Wilmore’s Baptist church in Houston, where he serves as an elder. After returning in the gulf — Trump in January signed an executive order renaming ...
Bethesda-by-the-Sea's Gothic architecture was modeled on Spain’s Santa María de Regla de León Cathedral. The etched dates ...
Richard Allen, born into slavery near Smyrna, rose to found the AME Church and promote rights for African Americans.
America never sits still and its sheer diversity means there’s always something new to discover. From Jazz Age New York on the 100th anniversary of The Great Gatsby to road-tripping the Indigeno ...
The Roman Catholic Church has consistently condemned abortion — the direct and purposeful taking of the life of the unborn child. In principle, Catholic Christians believe that all life is ...
The Barkly Church 180 kilometres north-west of Melbourne was founded on a vision of the faithful coming together to pray under one roof, irrespective of race, colour or religion.
Only two months after taking office, President Donald Trump’s favorability ratings have reached their record highs, a new Fox News poll found. Nearly half of those surveyed (49 percent) approved of ...
President Trump has announced his support for Sen. Jim Risch, R-Id., in his bid for reelection. Risch holds a key position in the Senate as Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In a Truth ...
Mar 22, 0325 The Council of Nicea: Ruling on Easter Day in 325 A.D.
It was a wild weekend in college baseball, and defending champ Tennessee inched ahead of LSU at the top while Louisville entered.