Videos show narwhals using their tusks in several ways, including prodding and flipping a fish. It’s the first reported evidence of the whales playing.
The long, spiral tusks of narwhals could be used by these Arctic whales to stun or even kill prey, according to wildlife ...
By Greg O’Corry-Crowe Et Al In more than one instance, narwhals chased arctic char but did not, strangely, try to catch and eat it. The whales even slowed down when necessary to keep the fish ...
manipulate and influence the behaviour of the fish Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). “This unique study where we set up a remote field camp and spent time filming narwhals with drones is ...
Some of the narwhals with tusks seemed to use them in a playful way to explore and manipulate fish such as Arctic char, he says. They'd mess with it with their tusk and "flip it a few times," says ...
The lack of oxygen also impacts the growth of phytoplankton plants, which are eaten by zooplankton organisms — which themselves serve as the food base for fish. The future of Arctic char, fera and ...