Woe to the Callery pear, possibly the most unloved fruit-bearing tree this side of the Garden of Eden. Sales of this Asian native and its best-known cultivar, the Bradford pear, have been banned in ...
Bradford pear trees may be visually appealing, but their drawbacks far outweigh their brief beauty. While their white blooms ...
You can't miss the sight of those white-flowered trees each spring - or their unpleasant smell either. Here's why they seem to be everywhere.
Bradford pear trees may be visually appealing, but their drawbacks far outweigh their brief beauty. While their white blooms signal the arrival of spring, they emit an unpleasant odor reminiscent ...
Bradford pear trees are brittle trees that break easily. They're also invasive in many areas, so skip this flowering tree and ...
However, that includes some trees that should not belong in the region. Springfield arborist Noel Boyer says he’s lost count of the hundreds of Bradford or Callery pear trees he’s had to ...
HARRISONBURG, Va. (WHSV) - Several days of stock market drops have left consumers fearful of their portfolios and have sparked rumblings of an impending recession. HARRISONBURG, Va. (WHSV ...